Don't you love stories that start, "dude, this one time
when i was stoned out of my mind..."?
Well this one continues "... I decided to write
an email to deeahblita." This was 3 AM.
a messssssage from the stonnnnedd
i'm listening to radiohead fairly loud on my headphones
it takes over me and makes me feel things ....... light and dark and thin
and strong and flowing chords of energy mooon shine on the lines drawn
crazy swirling makes me move how it wants tones shifting thoughts pushing
flowing merging flat and dissonant
tense, waiting
cd over
fortunately i've been able to insert a new cd to continue my journey
another cd by radiohead a live collectioon
raise lower arm stiff circle of flesh round tart hum lizt pinch flow slide
far on mound thing pant feel want hurt need find cave home thing bone
fondle pink round ornate wide thin black inside
so near turning on fast slow wide low found essence sings energy flow into
and out of rhyme with reality so near clear through charm and on to the
words of no meaning transient syntax flow comingle flow finding seek ref
find no answer seek no answer feel no answer thougts muddles cheering
crowd finding ground touching down finding flat safe echo chamber flailing
hand trapped inside shifting sand of time blow finger throat breath lips
face eyes lids closed hid inside the cloak of doubt feeling thinking not
about what feeling settles down flailing dying
sound enters
movement exits
translated by a design not fully my own
executed in a pattern predetermined
by someone other than me
flowing throught the sinew of my future conciousness
blacking out the past that was never meant to be
excavating the feelings i burried long behind
nothing at alll
nothing at all
bown down flounder on the floor of the ocean deep ptessure down tight and
firm on the surface of the water sliding in the contours of the body
pushing out the surface of the membrane of my mind imagining the essence
of body shaped to the surface of my mind not thinking just being just
letting the moment flow through like a sieve of thought ant logic and well
ordered sequences of neuron activity flowing from cortex to cortex inside
the fantasy world strewn about by the shining of the moon in my head there
beats the rythm i feel in my limbs fingers toes think not at all flowing