An attempt to find
consensus on issues regarding
metadata on the
Web, the
Dublin Core (named for
Dublin, Ohio, where the first
workshop in the effort was held) has tentatively established suggestions for
metadata about online resources.
As suggested by RFC 2731, Dublin Core metadata can be represented in HTML meta tags like this:
<title> Nutritional Allocation Increase </title>
<meta name = "DC.Creator"
content = "Simpson, Homer">
<meta name = "DC.Title"
content = "Nutritional Allocation Increase">
<meta name = "DC.Date.Created"
content = "1999-03-08">
<meta name = "DC.Identifier"
content = "">
<meta name = "DC.Format"
content = "text/html; 1320 bytes">
<meta name = "DC.Language"
content = "en-BUREAUCRATESE">
<meta name = "RC.MetadataAuthority"
content = "Springfield Nuclear">
<link rel = "schema.DC"
href = "">
<link rel = "schema.RC"
href = "">
<meta name = "DC.Type"
content = "Memorandum">
The Dublin Core metadata set is currently (as of November 2000) a draft standard of ANSI/NISO, Z39.85, and can be seen at