user since
Sat Dec 14 2002 at 19:58:00 (21.5 years ago )
last seen
Thu Dec 19 2002 at 06:53:00 (21.5 years ago )
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / 0
mission drive within everything
diving, piano, kung foo, swimin, volleyball, basketball, track
Waiakea High School
LiVe WiTh WhAt U GeT...
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guy (person)
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NeVeR gIvE uP!
BeGgArS aRe ChOoSeRs BeCaUsE tHeY cHoOsE tO bEg!!
ThE oNlY tHiNg YoU sHoUlD fEaR iS fEaR iTsElF!!!
If FaTe LoCkS tHe DoOr...Go ThRoUgH tHe WiNdOw!!!!
my quotes

ScHoOl GiVeS mE sTrESs!! >.< >.<''

I LoVe MaNgA aNd AnImE!!! ^^;;
~but please... only modest ones...