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i turned bad
Ah, if you should turn out to be a fairy I don't think I'd put you in a jar
something terrible comes over me
i keep thinking that this rain could last forever and i don't think it could ever stop
Think about you
I think I'd rather see this on TV
the morning snowdrops fall like dew in the sunlight and fill my heart with their icy cold and all i can think about is you
my heart, exploding so loudly i can hardly hear myself think
Let's hear that string part again, because I don't think they heard it
There is a space between your shoulders where your wings used to be
Think there's too much violence in society today? Maybe, but consider this:
When you are again allowed to use your limbs and your eyes
I used to have so many dreams
I wonder if he ever thinks about me
You've got another think coming
you make me think of death
How can I help but use your eyes as a means for self-asphyxiation?
Get used to it
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