user since
Tue Aug 10 1999 at 14:54:03 (24.9 years ago )
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0 (Initiate) / -1
most recent writeup
bitch and moan (thing)
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Let's get a few things straight. Never enough of sleep and a constant stream of coffee to keep me hyper alert are just a few of the elements that serve to set the stage. Plus I'm starting to suffer from repetive brain injury from answering the damn stupid questions over and over again. A 100 to 120 hour work week and having to listen to people bitch and moan about working a half hour overtime in one day, or not getting their 15 min break really start to grate and grind on my nerves. .Restraint is very key in not chewing these people a new a-hole when they gave a marginal effort and failed to perform a simple task or say they can't do it or it's not in their job description I'll do what it takes to get the job done because I have&.to accept responsibility for everything. no excuses. Crap flows downhill and I'm at the bottom with no excuses to hide behind. Yeah it's prett cool being a surgical resident some times. That's why i use Linux and cannot tolerate windows.