user since
Tue May 17 2005 at 12:44:16 (19.1 years ago )
last seen
Tue Jan 5 2010 at 21:04:40 (14.4 years ago )
number of write-ups
2 - View Mufusa's writeups (feed)
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / 14
mission drive within everything
To actually do more writeups, possibly get to level 2!
Walking in wet and/or broken sandles
London School of Economics
"Human time does not turn in a circle; it runs ahead in a straight line. That is why man cannot be happy: happiness is the longing for repetition." - Milan Kundera
most recent writeup
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  • Real Name: Let's say... Yakimov
  • DOB: 28/06/1986
  • E-Mail: Feel free to message me on E2

Hey there!

Oh by the way my username was supposed to be Mufasa, managed to type it in wrong! I wondered why I was having trouble logging in!

A bit about me

As a rule I hate putting my hobbies and stuff down in profiles because they tend to change too much, so I'll just put stuff that I should still be doing and enjoying in years to come (i hope).

I enjoy music, almost anything with a real instrument (none of this dance nonsense), but primarily folk, blues and rock 'n' roll. I play guitar myself, my Fender Strat is my pride and joy. I am a keen skier and snowboarder, I also play rugby and cricket. I am now a graduate of Aberystwyth University in Welsh land studying law but I live in the West Midlands back in England, and am taking a masters at LSE. I have cats named Bea and George. My favourite food is a home cooked sunday dinner (I miss them) and I am a Tolkien fanatic. My favourite spirit is whiskey (my preference being Glenmorangie) and my favourite beer is far too difficult a thing to decide. I have become rather partial to Double Dragon and Reverend James ales since I moved to the land of "baa" though. I also particularly enjoy Czech and Polish lagers.

Oh yeah, and I like hats. I have a lot of hats.