I don't claim to know everything. I don't even claim to know "enough". But on occasion, you find out things that have made a difference in your life, and you want to share them, with the hopes that they'll make a difference in someone elses. You also hope that it is a positive difference.
If you see something here that you agree with, disagree with, or just want to discuss, let me know. I plan to make changes over time, which brings us to the first item:
- All things are impermanent. - Don't be afraid of change, and don't be afraid to change. It's harder than it sounds.
- Never stop learning. - Nuff said.
- Never blindly accept anything. - "Anything" may include too many things, but I can't see another word that fits.
- Do the Right Thing. - Knowing what {The Right Thing} is can be difficult, but often it is the doing of the thing that is difficult.
- Strive for purity of purpose. - Don't do the right thing for the wrong reason.
- Determine your own ideals, and live by them. - It is acceptable to live by anothers ideals, but be sure you really believe in them.
- Life is too damned short to waste a moment of it. - Be sure to really live your life. Imagine that someday, Someone Important is going to ask you What did you do with your life?. What will you tell them?
This list is always changing.