user since
Wed Dec 26 2007 at 16:09:49 (16.5 years ago )
last seen
Fri Jan 11 2008 at 05:02:02 (16.4 years ago )
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0 (Initiate) / 0
mission drive within everything
Making life worthwhile for myself and other to the best of my ability
Reading, talking with stangers in check-out lines
A few. depending on the context. How about "May we live a thousand years!" for now?
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Married second time after divorcing a lawyer-have nothing against lawyers for the most part-only the true ambulance chasers and publicity seekers. My ex was neither
Live in a rural area at the foot of the Foothills of the Rockies
Have six cats (three black)and 17 full grown birds of five species plus one baby (so far) and a bunch of unhatched eggs
Have always been fascinated by politics, but am interested in virtually everything
Love travel by any means but air (but my husband gets seasick easily, so any future plans to go "overseas" will necessarily be by plane. Trains are the best, but we travel the country OFF of the interstates. Small towns in "fly-over country" are great!
Recently (in the last five years)discovered antiquing and just plain oldies but goodies-a good reason to stay off the interstates (the food is better,too, and the people like to talk)
Love to read
Love good food, fancy or not, mostly seafood and veggies with the occasional bird and VERY occasional piece of red meat (Aussie lamb is the best)
Born in a steel mill town on the Ohio River but had parents smart enough to get us to a small farm town near a major SAC in the Mid-west by the time I was six months old
Two siblings: one brother, one sister
Christened in the Russian Orthodox Church but went to lots of churches (no Orthodox Chuch where I grew up) before Mom and Dad settled on the Presbyterians. Am presently a non-traditional Christian-non religionist with an undergrad degre in religious studies. Grad school was counseling, most of working life in social work of some sort followed by a few years as a pro gardener (making a lifelong passion into a paying-though not much-job
One surviving parent: Dad will be 88 in January 2008 and behaves much younger than his age
No kids of my own, but a stepdaughter former Marine helicopter pilot with two tours in Iraq of whom I am very proud, though I hate the "war". She does,too-moved to the Coast Guard
Can't wait till a new president takes office, though there are a few candidates that would have me blogging and writing my Congresspeople very frequently were they to be elected
On disability: chronic neuromuscular problem you've never heard of