If you find any nodes you think should be in this category, message the maintainer (or an editor) with your suggestion.

Maintained By: moeyz

51 For a boat of white bone, and we three (person) moeyz writeup
52 April 23, 2014 (log) moeyz writeup
53 The Butterfly Man (log) moeyz writeup
54 Give us this day, give us this night (personal) moeyz writeup
55 The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands (personal) moeyz writeup
56 Basic plumbing repair (how-to) moeyz writeup
57 And neither have I wings to fly (person) moeyz writeup
58 Remember the feeling (thing) moeyz writeup
59 open space (thing) moeyz writeup
60 Trying to keep up with technology, when the quiet full moon is momentarily more than enough (event) moeyz writeup
61 life goes on easy for me, most of the time (event) moeyz writeup
62 do not let the sun go down on your anger (personal) moeyz writeup
63 all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well (personal) moeyz writeup
64 November 21, 2014 (log) moeyz writeup
65 a lost dream (personal) moeyz writeup
66 My voice is wearing boots and marching. (personal) moeyz writeup
67 Happy Thanksgiving To all and for one! (event) moeyz writeup
68 Mothercare (thing) moeyz writeup
69 Perciatelli (thing) moeyz writeup
70 Day after Christmas (personal) moeyz writeup
71 March 7, 2015 (log) moeyz writeup
72 I can only love a world with empty pockets (personal) moeyz writeup
73 walking to the moon in my nightgown (idea) moeyz writeup
74 How to check if someone has been through it all (opinion) moeyz writeup
75 old keyboards and broken cell phones (thing) moeyz writeup
76 The robbery of such tiny things (idea) moeyz writeup
77 April 24, 2015 (log) moeyz writeup
78 Adult Day Care Center (place) moeyz writeup
79 A Perfect Cloud (personal) moeyz writeup
80 There were times better than this (idea) moeyz writeup
81 November 22, 2014 (log) moeyz writeup
82 New recipe (recipe) moeyz writeup
83 May 23, 2015 (log) moeyz writeup
84 Thunder and rain (personal) moeyz writeup
85 June 5, 2015 (log) moeyz writeup
86 Our calendars have no meaning (personal) moeyz writeup
87 Winds light and variable (event) moeyz writeup
88 I am dreaming, therefore (dream) moeyz writeup
89 willingness to touch a turtle (event) moeyz writeup
90 you can't escape from God on a Sunday (place) moeyz writeup
91 The Beach Chair (thing) moeyz writeup
92 Thinking I could do it by myself and learning I couldn't. (personal) moeyz writeup
93 we will tear the world apart until it is nothing but fragments, and meaning will cease (personal) moeyz writeup
94 July 16, 2015 (log) moeyz writeup
95 The Theft of Memory (thing) moeyz writeup
96 waiting for his arms to fold like wings around her (person) moeyz writeup
97 August 14, 2015 (log) moeyz writeup
98 August 27, 2014 (log) moeyz writeup
99 The wheels of the Alzheimer's world do not run smoothly (personal) moeyz writeup
100 blue skies smile at me, blue skies inside my mind (personal) moeyz writeup

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