I had to wear a Zio patch for two weeks. To check my heart. Even though the cardiologist says, "It's your lungs, not your heart."

"Yeah, I know, but I have to check all the boxes."

I took it off on Monday. I could have taken it off on Sunday, by the two week measure, but I was so tired that I couldn't read the directions. I took a two hour nap on the couch from abdominal pain and then had some clear liquids and went to bed.

This was after two days of sun and beach walk with B. Both days I had lower abdominal pain in the afternoon. So bad on Saturday that I was worried I'd have to go back to the damn ER. But I finally fell asleep both times and then when I woke up it was mild.

Anyhow, this was going to be about the kittens, right?

I couldn't take a bath with the Zio Patch on. So when I read the instructions, took it off, and stuck it to the mailer, I took a bath. My upstairs tub is small and deep. It's really nice. I put in MgSO4, mmmmm. Climbed out, toweled, went to get dressed.


I thought WHAT -- oh, kitten. Ran in the bathroom. Yep. The kittens have doubled in size and Elwha had jumped into the tub to play. Oooops. Grabbed him out and dropped him. He ran into the other room and stopped, shivering and panicked. I followed him and tried not to laugh. I dropped my towel over him and picked him up and comforted him. Trauma. Got into hot water. Look before you leap. He couldn't touch bottom and the sides were high enough that he couldn't reach and he got to try swimming.

He wanted to get down pretty quickly and then spent thirty minutes grooming himself. Sol Duc came and sniffed him. I don't think he's too enthused about MgSO4, bubble bath and Doc Bronner's peppermint soap. He is a Very Clean Kitty now.

Also went to a new primary care doc today. Still at my hospital, since it's the only game in town. I practically break out in hives when I go. Ugh, PTSD. Oh, well. I think she is good. Listed all of my specialists. Didn't have anything to add except an order for a mammogram and asks me to check if I have gotten both the pneumovax and the prevnar-19. I think so but will check. Feel like a pincushion.

I got my booster on Sunday. I got the Moderna because the earlier one was the Pfizer x 2. Haven't reacted at all that I can tell. I am sore all over, but I think that is still from the two days of four miles on the beach. Even slow it is too far. Sigh. Well, I'd say I hate convalescence but if the alternative is dead, then I hate it less.

I take it back. By 5 pm I ache all over and want to go to bed. By 6 pm I have talked to my adult children and fed the cats and neatened up. I made leek and potato soup but have no appetite. Brush teeth, read a little, bed. Hopefully it will be mostly gone by the 48 hour mark.

Slept until almost midnight and now up and wide awake. The cats are rocketing around and I will have tea. Not achy this morning. Nightmares though: I am in Thailand with my two children, both in late teens. A woman that I know has buttonholed me and is talking about something that I am not very interested in. My children walk up and my daughter says that they are leaving the amusement park. They will meet me later.

"Where are we meeting?" I say, but my daughter is already walking away. Gone. I can text her, but where should I pick to meet? The amusement park? The airport? How much extra time should I allow? Both my children speak some Thai, but I don't. Where are they going? I wish the woman would stop talking so I could think. I wake up panicked. It is another dream of fours.

#7: For Iron Noder XIV