"Look, Vinny, when I said take him out, I didn't mean on a date."

"Sorry boss."

"Look, Vinny, you're not that dumb. Were you planning to date this guy in the first place?"

"It was love at first sight, boss."

"Well you can't have conflicting loyalties here, Vinny. Tell you what. Instead of having the guy sleep with the fishes, I'll give both of ya a sporting chance. We'll have big shoot-out. You two might survive. Whaddaya say?"

"Can't you just tell us to get out of town by sundown?"

"Sundown? What, you think this is a fuckin' Sundown Town? You callin' me a racist? That does it, you're sleeping with the fishes."

"Do fishes even sleep?"

"Just go take a long walk off a short pier."