Maintained By: Everyone

A category for all things uncanny, grotesque, and interestingly unnerving.

1 pickled punk (thing) SueZVudu writeup
2 human bot fly (thing) ferrouslepidoptera writeup
3 Fetus in fetu (thing) Chark writeup
4 Foundation deposit (idea) Tem42 writeup
5 Mütter Museum (place) jarbabyj writeup
6 Fiji Mermaid (thing) Riptor writeup
7 Candiru   e2node
8 Jenny Haniver (thing) mellamaphone writeup
9 Geek (thing) Gizelmort writeup
10 Sword swallowing (thing) borgo writeup
11 Balantidiasis (thing) Heisenberg writeup
12 phossy jaw (thing) ConfusionTheWaitress writeup
13 Tower of Silence (place) Tem42 writeup
14 Caligula   e2node
15 Tibetan Sky Burial (thing) renster writeup
16 gargoyle (thing) zgirll writeup
17 Rain of Frogs (thing) Jurph writeup
18 Rat King (thing) mofaha writeup