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Maintained By: Intentions

A series of stories by user Intentions about Lucifer, his fall, and what happens after.

1 The next time they would come, I would not be here. (fiction) Intentions writeup
2 At the start of it, before the falling down (fiction) Intentions writeup
3 The truth about angels (fiction) Intentions writeup
4 Wondering who the fuck you are on a Sunday morning (fiction) Intentions writeup
5 I feel the way bank robbers must feel before they go out on that last job that ends up getting them all killed. That is to say, optimistic. (fiction) Intentions writeup
6 gazing back upon your newly sprouted wings, as you begin to sense a use for them (fiction) Intentions writeup
7 DMV Nightmares (fiction) Intentions writeup
8 Not with a bang but a whimper (fiction) Intentions writeup
9 The devil you know (fiction) Intentions writeup
10 Devil in Disguise (fiction) Intentions writeup