by wrinkly

What would you like to see on E2 over the next six months?

I don't particularly want anything to change  14  7.95%
I'd like people to lighten up a bit and have more fun  58  32.95%
I'd like people to take this place a bit more seriously  3  1.70%
I'd like to see the new E2 implemented  16  9.09%
I'd like to receive more feedback on my writing  14  7.95%
I'd like to read more fiction  5  2.84%
I'd like to read more by (insert favorite noder's name)  7  3.98%
I'd like to read more of anything, so long as it's good  22  12.50%
I'd like to make more friends  9  5.11%
I'd like people to write more and chat less  10  5.68%
I'd like to see more people chatting  0  0.00%
I'd like to see E2 publicised more on external sites  18  10.23%
Total  176  100.00%