Welcome to Everything's Most Wanted

Howdy stranger! Reckon you have the cojones to take down some of the meanest nodes this side of the Rio Grande? Below is a list of the most dangerously unfilled nodes ever to wander the lawless plains of the nodegel. Track one down, hogtie it, and fill it up with good content, and you might end up earning yourself a shiny silver sheriff's star.

Any user can fill a posted node and claim the posted bounty. If you think you have captured one of these fugitives, contact the requesting sheriff. If they judge your writeup worthy, you will get your reward!

Check back often for new bounties. Happy hunting!



Requesting SheriffOutlaw NodeDetails of the CrimeGP Reward (if any)
ameriwiretortured artist 650
GhettoAardvarktouch grassC!s for the node and the noder alike!400
andycycaBirdman: Or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)Such an interesting movie, yet not even a review for it. Review or summary will get you GP. Both make you eligible for a ching. Going above and beyond will be duly noted and rewarded150
Tem42kinesinPlease explain this thing to me. 200
maulerExtremaduraOne of the main regions of Spain, the one which produced most of the famous conquistadors.500
borgoAl PacinoC! awaits anybody who does this justice100
wertperchJanet RenoShe deserves a good biography.100
ClockmakerOracle of Apollo at DelphiThe node is terribly subpar, with the first writeup as of the time of writing consisting of about 50% aggressive falsehood by volume. A good writeup that doesn't talk nonsense about unsubstantiated �primordial mythologies� will earn a ching, and I can egg you until I get tired of it.200
schizophasicBlow it out your ass it's Veruca SaltProbably chinged because Veruca Salt is better than Everything.15
PosmellaRevolutionary RoadCover the book and film well, and you'll get an upvote, a C!, and a message of appreciation.N/A
AuspiceQliphothWe've got the Tree of Life well-noded, now tell me all about the dark side. Bonus points may be award for separate nodes about the dark aspects of each of the sefira.500
AudusterJohn LilburneThe biggest badass of the British 17th Century... England's Thomas Paine, only with a better moustache. A snotty, opinionated fiercely educated revolutionary who personally made life about as difficult for the Roundheads as anyone could hope. Imprisoned, unimprisoned, imprisoned again... Makes Ben Franklin look like a royalist. The man deserves a decent writeup.5
The CustodianJohn HughesThe man just passed away and deserves recognition.100
e2renetaJohn LasseterWhen you steal the mantle of most influential animator from Walt Disney, when they buy your company to get you to save their ailing company, when you've got Hiyao Miyazaki's phone number programmed into your cell, I think you deserve a writeup here.30
randombitAntiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act (AEDPA)I'll upvote and ching a solid writeup. I'll even mail you a postcard, if you want.N/A
MorwenThe AvengersWhy in the hell is there no writeup for the TV series? If you do a good job, you get a C! from me, and can request which original series Doctor Who story I write up next. I do not just want to hear about Emma Peel, you must discuss all the main characters who worked with Steed (including boring old Keel). Try this site for starters: http://theavengers.tv/forever/guide.htmN/A
liveforeverPueyrredonesI'll award up to 50 GP, depending on quality -- and a ching if it merits it. 50
TheDeadGuyMartha VickersActress who played Carmen in The Big Sleep, I need more information. We'll discuss rewards in a coffee shop later on.N/A
joerTallulah BankheadTallu was, as they say, "mad, bad, and dangerous to know", but the existing w/u gives us no idea why. She had an interesting history, both because of her family, and as a performer. Make us proud, and not only will you get 300 GP, but a disc containing all her 'The Big Show' broadcasts still existing. Aside from the kitsch value, it's a great listen into the last gasp of big network radio.300
HeisenbergWriteups relating to ITALO DISCO!I'd be happy to send every noder with a good new w/u about Italo Disco a cool mix cd with my favourite (you guessed it) ITALO DISCO!!N/A
ReiToeiMichael JacksonCould do with a bit of updating. So to speak.

Rewards? Undying love and C!, and if you are really good, a gift from a friendly god.
HalspalNevil Shute or any of his booksThoughtful and soulful writeups will earn rare signed first edition copies of Halspal's book Humane Society and his infinite favor. See www.nevilshute.org for the starter kit.N/A
kthejokerFamous Georges: George Allen (the Redskins owner), George Brett, and/or Gorgeous George (aka George Wagner)bad writeup - a "John 3:16" sign pointed in your direction
good writeup - a C! from me and possibly a visit from Morgana the Kissing Bandit
amazing writeup - 50 GP and an autographed picture of the San Diego Chicken
e2hockeyLos Angeles KingsNot currently a nodeshell, but easily could be.
It's a sort of a threat, you see.

bad writeup - A good ol'-fashioned sweater-over-head gooning
good writeup - weblogged to the e2hockey page
amazing writeup - upvotes & C!s from the user group

(Contact Lord Brawl)
eh2Stratford FestivalGood writeup - weblogged to the eh2 page
amazing writeup - upvotes & C!s from the user group
jawdroppingly awesome writeup - A Tim Horton's gift certificate

(Contact Lord Brawl)


Justice Served!