The Bank of Everything (BoE) is a self-governing, user-driven group tasked with overseeing the GP system. The group has a mandate to adjust GP prices in the E2 Gift Shop and similar nodes in order to battle GP inflation and keep GP meaningful and valuable as a reward for quests and other contributions to the database.

The BoE waits quietly until someone suggests a motion, upon which it then debates and votes.

Any member of the BoE, as well as any registered E2 user, can submit a motion to the BoE. If the motion is seconded by a sitting member of the BoE, the BoE then has one week to debate and vote on the motion with a simple "yes" or "no."

If a majority of all votes cast are "yes" votes, than the motion will be implemented by an administrator.

Motions can include any and all suggestions related to GP prices and awards, as well as requests by users to join the BoE.

Venerable members of this group:

mauler@+, Oolong@+, in10se
This group of 3 members is led by mauler@+