This was a line uttered by the
narrator of a
Saturday Night Live skit on Saturday December 9, 2000 (which is
technically Sunday morning of December 10, 2000).
Val Kilmer was the guest host, the skit being about dead musicians, Val appearing in his role as the late great
Jim Morrison. Other cast members appeared as
Janis Joplin,
Jimi Hendrix,
Buddy Holly,
Louis Armstrong, and some other drummer guy...**
After Buddy Holly died (and was reincarnated as a sheep), the band had some issues and thus the line: “But offstage things were falling apart TM ” which is a line frequently used in the VH1 Behind the Music shows since the plot of each and every installment is about the failure of some band.
** Note: The other drummer guy was Keith Moon!! Thanks dem bones for paying more attention than me!