A very well known (in Danish) song about this subject - sung by BølleBob (BullyBob, I guess!) which was a kid's choir back in the early 80's - has the following chorus:
We are not really adults, we are not really kids
We are both, without, and with and nor and neither.
We're to young to make true love and we're too old to start a fight
There's nobody out there really needing us.

I did my very best, but of course it rhymes and feels better in Danish:
Vi er ikke rigtig voksne, vi er ikke rigtig børn
Vi er både ud'n og med og enten eller.
Vi' for unge til at elske og for gamle til at slås
Der er ingen der har rigtig brug for os.
I do remember my bigger sister singing that a lot. Poor teenagers

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