Born in 1655:
Died in 1655:
Events of 1655:
Giovanni Cassini, with help from Jesuit astronomers, proves that the
Earth's orbit around the Sun is elliptical, confirming Johannes Kepler's
Robert Hooke publishes his Micrographia.
Christiaan Huygens discovers a moon orbiting Saturn, naming it Titan.
François Bernier publishes his account of Shah Jahan]'s court,
An Account of India and the Great Moghul.
Shah Jahan's builders complete the Moti Mosque in Agra.
Thomas Stanley's The History of Philosophy appears.
Isaak Walton thoroughly revises his fishing treatise The Compleat
Francis Kirkman gets around the Puritan ban on stage plays (thought to
be ungodly) by inventing Droll-Humours, essentially sketch comedy.
Peter Stuyvesant, governor of Nieuw Nederland, decides that
the Swedish forts along the Delaware River are a threat. Facing seven
armed ships and 317 soldiers, the Swedish commanders at Fort
Trinity and Fort Christiania surrender without a fight.
Johan Rising and his commanders go home, but most of the colonists stay
on their farms, paying taxes to Stuyvesant, and so ends the era of Swedish
settlement in North America.
Cardinal Jules Mazarin presides over a council of bishops that condemns
Louis XIV, all of 17, reminds the French Parliament "L'etat, c'est
A Colonel John Penruddock leads a royalist rebellion in Wiltshire.
This is easily crushed, but because of it, Major General John Lambert
convinces Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell to impose direct military
rule on England, dividing it into eleven districts each headed by a
Puritan 'major general'. To pay for this, a decimation tax, or 10%
income tax is imposed on former Royalists.
Led by Admiral William Penn, The English take control of Jamaica
from the Spanish.
End of the Joo Era in Japan and the beginning of the Meireki Era.
Japan invades Hokkaido, enslaving the native Ainu people.
Oliver Cromwell
invites Menasseh ben Israel to England, to discuss allowing Jews to settle
in England. When a commission tells Cromwell there is no law banning
Jews from England, he dismisses it.
calls on Louis XIV to stop the massacre of the Waldenses in Savoy.
The Waldenses living in Piedmont are exterminated.
allows Marrano Jews in Jamaica to worship openly.
Socinian leader John Biddle avoids execution and is banished to the Scilly
Swedish king Charles X Gustavus invades Poland. The Russians take
advantage, invading Lithuania and capturing Vilna. The Swedes,
Russians and Cossacks overwhem Poland, and Polish king Jan II Kazimierz
is in constant retreat. Eventually the Swedes destroy the ancient capital,
Cracow. The only holdouts are Gdansk and Lvov. However,
a (Lutheran) Swedish attempt to enter the (Catholic) shrine in Czestochowa
causes an uprising of the genral population, and with the support of the
Tatar Khanate of the Crimea, Jan Kazimirerz manages to take back parts
of southern Poland.
1654 - 1655 - 1656
How They Were Made - 17th Century