"Hengest and Horsa, invited by Vortigern, king of the Britons to his assistance, landed in Britain in a place that is called Ipwinesfleet; first of all to support the Britons, but they afterwards fought against them. The king directed them to fight against the Picts; and they did so; and obtained the victory wheresoever they came. They then sent to the Angles, and desired them to send more assistance. They described the worthlessness of the Britons, and the richness of the land...."

- From the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle entry for AD 449

In the year AD 449...

  • According to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle this was the year that a Brythonic king named Vortigern invited the Angles and the Saxons, led by Hengest and Horsa, to come to the British Isles to help him fight the Picts. They did so, but found the new land so much to their liking that they sent for their cousins from Germany, launching the Anglo-Saxon Invasion of England.
  • The uneasy truce between the encroaching Huns under Attila the Hun and the Western remains of the Roman Empire is threatened when Attila becomes enraged by the alleged theft of a golden plate. Rome's leading general Flavius Aetius travels in person to Pannonia to appease Attila, and succeeds in calming him such that Attila rewards him with the gift of a dwarf, Zirco, and the uneasy peace is temporarily preserved.
  • Meanwhile, back in Rome, Western Roman Emperor Valentinian III discovers that his sister Honoria has been sleeping with his royal chamberlain Eugenius, and that the two have been plotting to murder him and take his throne. Enraged, he ships Honoria off to a nunnery in Constantinople, prevented from killing her only by the intervention of their formidable mother, Galla Placidia. This sets incident sets in motion a complicated chain of events that will ultimately finally give Attila the excuse he needs to attack Rome...
  • In an effort to secure victory for the Alexandrine view that Jesus Christ incorporated aspects of both god and man in the same body (in opposition to the Nestorian view that Jesus began as a mere human being and only later took on god-like qualities), the newly installed patriarch of Alexandria Dioscorus succeeds in convincing Byzantine emperor Theodosius II to convene an ecumenical council, the Second Council of Ephesus. The council is hastily convened in order to prevent Western Roman bishops from arriving in time, such that Dioscorus's massive contingent of loyal Egyptian bishops can have their way. Dioscorus himself presides, having several rival bishops deposed and having the recently excommunicated Alexandrine-leaning monk Eutyches reinstated. A Roman Synod immediate condemns the Council as a "robber synod," and with Emperor Theodosius passing away the following year, support for the Alexandrine position will rapidly decline, until the 451 Council of Chalcedon succeeeds in nullifying the acts of Second Ephesus.
  • Persian king Yazdegerd II issues a decree banning Christianity in his kingdom.

These people were born in 449:

These people died in 449:

448 - 449 - 450

5th century

How they were made

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