The Microsoft 70-210 test used to be the easiest Microsoft Cert test to pass. If one had poked around with Windows 2000 Professional for a month or two, and they could learn some additional information (RAID and remote installation, for example), the test would be a breeze. Since passing this one test gave the successful tester a new certification (Microsoft Certified Professional, or MCP), I used to recommend that my students take this test first. Being a certified Microsoft technician looked good on a curriculum vitae, especially if the hands-on experience was lacking.

After the 70-270 test came out (Microsoft Windows XP Professional), the 70-210 test was re-written and made more difficult. This was Microsoft's way to goad a tester into the newer technologies. The 70-210 test is still valid and available, but will probably be retired after the release of Longhorn and a newer client operating system in 2006.

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