Near Matches
Ignore Exact
A cute lady mechanic who fixed his engine and damn near broke his heart
His face when she fell
Risqué comment opportunities when you're a Subway employee
snowmobile ride always worth the ice weasels
Did you know you broke my heart today?
The bravest man I've ever known
My Wang never goes down
read all instructions before beginning
longitudinal engine
Henny Penny
When children become people
How to make a mailman's job more entertaining
offside, nearside, driver's side, passenger's side
Broke Noder Magazine
January 16, 2019
She felt like the word 'shatter'
She's smarter than me but she's also more quiet, therefore she has no personality which makes me feel better
she can't remember what it's like to be found
His mouth tastes like blood and sugar.
I am many things, but I am not that strong
October 22, 2007
Am I already that gone
J.P. Donleavy
Of course I refused, afraid of what his hands might feel like
All the while he was talking she was thinking what his whiskers would feel like on the back of her neck
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