A monophonic semi-modular analog synthesizer with a 49-note remote keyboard. Manufactured between 1970 and 1981.

The ARP 2600 features 3 VCOs. VCO1 is switchable between sawtooth and square waveforms. VCO2 offers the same plus triangle, pulse and sine, while VCO3 provides sawtooth, square and pulse.
As a filter there is a 24dB/octave self-oscillating VCF with a digital ring modulator. Two envelope generators (ADSR and AR) are included, as well as a saw/square/sine LFO with sample/hold. For external control, a CV/gate interface is available.

Both hard wired and patchable routings are available, but using the cords is necessary for doing anything with the 2600. The patching offers enormous flexibility, with really versatile modulation routings. There are plenty of knobs though, to satisfy the needs of the modern electronic music composer.


"Blue Meanie" (1970-?)
A prototype version, cased in blue aluminum. Easy to break and hard to fix.
"Gray Meanie" (1970?)
Similar to the Blue Meanie, but with gray casing. Only a couple of these were produced.
Mk 1 (197?-1977)
The first official version, with gray font panel and white lettering. No fine tuning for the VCO or VCF. Later Mk 1:s featured an improved keyboard (Model 3620) and better quality parts.
Mk 2 (1977-1981)
This version is easily recognized by the black front panel and orange lettering. Mk 2 added fine tuning for the oscillators, plus ARP's PPC system for the keyboard. (basicially just rubber pads under the keys)

Information collected from various sources.

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