The Air Travellers Security Charge is a tax paid in the form of surcharges on Canadian aeroplane flights. In light of the events of September 11, 2001, Canada's parliament enacted the surcharge to fund the greatly expensive upgrades in equipment and personnel that such security entails.

For flights within Canada, or from Canada to the United States of America, the tax is 12 Canadian dollars per trip (24 dollars return), and 24 dollars for any other international destination, either one-way or return.

It is an effort by the parliament of Canada to support one of the industries which brings in trade and shows national prestige internationally. The argument is such that, if the charge was not enacted, it would be to the cost of the individual airlines, which would leave the corporation itself responsible for any levies, which would reduce consumer satisfaction, which would result in less flights, which spells less trade, and much less fuel consumption.

The Canadian government is Liberal.

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