In northern Greece, recent archaeological excavations in the city of Vergina, have unearthed a very interesting link. Archaeologists believe Vergina was once called Aigai, and as such, would have been the home of early kings in Macedonia, the homeland of Philip of Macedon and his son, Alexander the Great.

During exploration of some Macedonian cemeteries by Greek archaeologist Manolis Andronikos, a large mound containing a substantial tomb was uncovered. As the earth was cleared, the remains of a small alter were found, with clear traces that horses had been sacrificed. Inside were fragments of furniture, silver vessels, armour, and a marble box, presumed to contain ashes. Cremated remains were found wrapped in a purple cloth and on top of them rested a gold oak wreath. Another gold box or larnax, on which was an embossed star-burst, symbol of the Macedonian kings, was also found.

The tomb's second chamber also revealed a marble sarcophagus as well as a gold wreath of myrtle leaves; this sarcophagus also contained a gold larnax, inside which lay bones wrapped in a gold and purple cloth. The size and richness of these finds, along with the stylistic date for the objects indicating an age of 320-325 BC, allowed Andronikos to conclude that he had found the tomb of Philip II of Macedon, the father of Alexander the Great.

To better substantiate these claims, forensic scientist Richard Neave studied the bones of the deceased from the main chamber. From the remains of the skull he was able to reconstruct the face of a man who had at some point lost the sight of one eye - an injury Philip is known to have suffered when he was struck by an arrow during a seige. By putting flesh on the bones of a long deceased individual, it appears Alexander's father has been found and disturbed once again.

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