I am a rural family practice doctor for over twenty five years and all of my patients are smart.
All of my patients are complicated.
I don't mean that they all have degrees or PhDs or are intellectuals. I mean that they are smart in all sorts of ways.
I was talking to the UW Pain and Addiction Telemedicine Team four years ago. I said that when I had a new chronic pain patient who is angry about the pain law in Washington, I would give them the link to the law: http://www.doh.wa.gov/ForPublicHealthandHealthcareProviders/HealthcareProfessionsandFacilities/PainManagement
"You give them the link?" said one of the faculty. "But they can't understand that."
"Why not?" I replied. "I did."
This was met with silence. My attitude is, well, I am a physician. I am not a lawyer. Yet I have to follow the pain law. Actually we all have to follow all the laws in our country. We say ignorance of the law is no excuse. Yet then the attitude of the pain specialists at UW was that the law is too confusing for my rural patients.
I think UW is wrong and I think that it is disrespectful to patients. Treat them as adults. Treat them as smart. Treat them as if they can understand and you will get respect back. And if they trust you they will then tell you when they do not understand or need something translated from medicalese to english.
I worked with a patient who works every day. She is in a wheelchair, a motorized one. She has cerebral palsy and can't talk much. And she is smart too.
This election is about the United States population being smart. They know something is very wrong and they want it fixed. I think that Citizens United needs to be taken down. Corporations are not people, unless the CEO can be the physical representation of the corporation and go to jail when the corporation lies and steals. Wells Fargo, I am talking to you. I am taking my money to another bank. Pay reparations. And I do not forgive you. The United States population is sick and tired of the rich getting richer and corporations stealing from people for profit. Democrats and republicans are sick and tired of it. We are not going to take it any more. If you have gotten rich from corporate underhand theft, lies and confusing people, give the money back. Because you can buy an island, but if the United States population rises up to hunt for you, there is no where in the world you can hide.
It is time for corporations to give the United States population the government back. Or we will take it. Because every patient I have ever taken care of in over twenty five years is smart. That is not to say we don't all do stupid things. And some people won't change. But in the end, everyone can learn and everyone can change. We are all smart.