Insects don't necessarily stick to this
monogamous heterosexual crap
man tries to fob off as
natural. There's a fair amount of insects where the female eats the male after/during
mating -
praying mantises and
black widow spiders are widely known examples. Other insects get even more
kinky. In one species of wasps, when a male is
having sex with a female and another male shows up, the male doing the mounting lowers his
antennae to mimic a "receptive female." The newly arrived male then tries to mate with the
transvestite male, forming an interesting
menage a trois.
"Sometimes the mimic maintains his posture for five minutes' - all the while subtly contriving to keep the tip of his abdomen, where a female's genital
opening would be, just out of reach. Meanwhile, the true female, whose antennae have returned to the non-receptive upright position, wanders away,
carrying inside her the sperm of the mimic." "Animals: A Jealous Lover Will Do Anything" in the "Breakthroughs" section of Discover magazine, May
1994, p. 14
Some insects even cross over into criminal deviant sexual behavior. One species of bedbug (Xylocaris maculipennis) has taken this method a step further. The males of that species stab-rape other males. In fact a male of that
species may be assaulted by another male while he is copulating with a female. "The sperm of the rapist enters the vas deferens of his male victim and is used
by the victim during copulation." 'Adrian Forsyth, A Natural History of Sex' Which is not to say that the sperm of the rapist is injected directly into the
raped male's vas deferens with accuracy - the sperm "migrates in the recipient's blood to his testes, and hence to the vas deferens tubules attached to his
testes, where the rapist's sperm is then pumped out of the penis of the raped male, and into the female." 'MacQuitty & Mound, Megabugs'