I believe that there is another possible path for a "Anti-Buddha" to take. The
Buddha liberates himself through the mind. Through creating a deep understanding of the world to the level where he does not
cling to the world anymore. This is commonly known as a state of
Now on the other hand there is spiritual enlightenment through Satori or the immersing of oneself into ones body. This state can be achieved through self flaggelation, crusifiction, or, by way of the Dionysiuns, wild orgies. Someone who has achieved a highly spiritual state through submitting to the pleasures/pains of the flesh would probably be an anti-Buddha.
Note that many practicioners of Buddhism use these same techniques. Stories of monks who meditate under waterfalls or pierce their bodies with harp objects are fairly common in the buddhist literature. And of course there are the martial arts practitioners like the Shaolin who's form of meditation involves complete control of the body to the point of being able to perform almost super-human feats of strength, speed and pain resistance.