A Belgian waffle is a very thick, sweet waffle often eaten with fruit, ice cream, whipped cream and/or fruit sauce on the top.
Allergy Safe Recipes
1 cup crabapple juice (or substitute)
1 cup leftover vegetable broth
1 cup cooked beans (or sweet potato; see variations)
1/2 cup glutinous rice flour
1/2 cup white rice flour
1/2 cup potato starch
2 Tbl. baking powder
dash of sea salt (or small amount of regular salt)
optional: nuts, such as pecans
Place all ingredients in blender, including the nuts if desired. Heat waffle maker and place batter on hot waffle maker (you can use an ice cream scoop as a measure). The batter will overflow if there is too much, but the waffle will be too dry if you have too little. Do a test run to see how much you will need. Cook the first waffle about 5 minutes; the others should be checked by about 4 minutes. Makes about 8 waffles.
Serve with fresh fruit or dried fruit puree; the author recommends a combination of pumpkin seed butter and rice syrup. The leftovers freeze well and make excellent sandwiches.
Variations: Use part buckwheat flour; use chickpeas and part chickpea flour; use sweet potato in place of beans.
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