Major William Avery "Billy" Bishop, eventual commander of the 85 Squadron RAF. During his final sortie, which he started with 67 confirmed "kills" he entered combat with four (4) german Pfaltz* fighter scouts and emerged victories. He also shot down an LVG two-seater scout on his way home, pushing his unofficial final kill total to 72 enemy craft (sometimes he is credited with only 3 for a total of 70).
His squadron often faced off against elements of the infamous "Flying Circus" of Baron von Richthofen.
Bishop and fellow Canadian ace William George Barker founded the Toronto based Bishop and Barker Company after the war, flying out of Toronto. However, the business did poorly, and failed after an ill-fated stunt flying job at the Canadian National Exhibition when the two buzzed the crowd and caused a stampede.
* The Pfalz Flugzeug-Werke D Series Fighting Scout, a biplane, sturdy but weaker than the Fokker mainstays of the German air force.