A duo from Gothenburg consisting of Earl 'Infinity' Sparks and Vladi 'Mentor' Carrasco.

Their much-hyped album 'Black Moses' offered a strange, and wonderful mixture of jazz, soul (no, not that annoying, wailing crap that passes for soul these days, but dark and desperate SOUL) and singing that was not quite rap and not quite spoken word. The songs had deep anti-religious and social realist theme (no love songs here, but songs about incest and organized religion). However, their record company, V2, decided to push the group as 'the future of hiphop', with disastrous results. The album bombed and the group later split up to work on other projects.

Anyway, here are the tracks from their first and only album, 'Black Moses' (V2, 1998):

  1. Crucified
  2. Thou Daddy
  3. Cheap trick
  4. Testify
  5. Oh God
  6. Earth
  7. Going nowhere
  8. Sanctified
  9. Temple of the beast
  10. Follow me

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