From a very brief email from sensei:

Please convey these wishes, Jin-chan:

I hope that Ryan enjoys Alaska. I am sure he will have many opportunities for hiking, climbing, and looking at stone and sky. I hope he is very well.

As always, I think of dannye not only whenh I think of e2 but at soi many opther times.

Please let mny very good friend wharf know how sincerely I miss speaking with him. I am glad to hear that Robbie is so handsmoe. Dai-un was very handsome, especially before the last few years.

I was thinking of Jaypea's father and hoping that he was well? Is she still happy about flax-seeds?

I am glad that nate has a good new job. He is a very talemted and very nice young man. As you know, I am deeply impressed by his gwenerosity in the work he has done on everything 2. I know that it was an example of a product to be sold but it has always been more than that and nate jhas always very gently allowed its growth. Please thank N-Wing for the work you have tiold me of. I do not know JayBonci but he sounds to be a w9onderul addition to godsgroup.

I am glad to know that Gritchlka and so many othjers are doing so well. My congratulatuions to her on becoming a god. From what youy write, I would be very interested in reading some of her nodes on language.,

As always, I hope that you are wer;ll and all is well for all.

I am sorry that I cannot type any longer.

Jinmyo sez: I received this a few days ago and decided to post it as a superdoc instead of sending out private msgs. I have added basic formatting but left the typos because they provide the only information he has provided on how the strokes have affected him.