The Storm - An Doinionn

Ciamar a th 'chuideachd mu'n ghealbhan? How is the company around the fire?
An sibh a th'ann, a Dhòmhnuill? Is it you, Donald?
'S fhad o'n chunnaic sinn sibh. It is a long time since we saw you.
Ciod a bha 'g 'ur cumail? What has kept you?
Nach robh mi 'n Glascho o'n bha mi 'n so mu dheireadh! Was I not in Glasgow since I was here last!
Ciod a chuir a Ghlascho sibh? What sent you to Glasgow?
Innsidh mi sin duit. I shall tell you that.
Bha mi aig banais mo mhic, Seumas. I was at the wedding of my son, James.
'S math an gnothuch air an robh sibh. You were on a good errand.
Cha d'thug è tàmh dhomh gus an do gheall mi dol ann. He gave me no rest till I promised to go to it.
Ciamar a thàinig am baile-mòr ruibh? How did the city agree with you?
Cha d'thàinig ach meadhonach. It agreed with me but indifferently.
Ciod a th'agaibh 'n a aghaidh? What have you against it?
Tha de dh'ùinich 's de dh'ùpraid ann 's nach mòr nach deachaidh mo cheann air aimbreit. There is so much hurry and bustle in it that my head became nearly deranged.
An do ghabh sibh sgrìob leis an each-iaruinn? Did you take a trip with the iron horse?
Cha do ghabh, 's cha ghabh. I did not, and will not.
Tha mi taingeil gu'n d'fhuair mi air m'ais do shàmhchair a'ghlinne. I am thankful that I have got back to the quiet of the glen.
Nach fiadhaich an t'sìd! How wild the weather is!
Cha chuimhne leam na's fiadhhaiche aig an àm so de'n bhliadhna. I do not remember wilder at this season of the year.
Am cuala sibh mu'n sgiorradh bhrònach a thachair air drochaid Thatha air oidhche Di-dòmhnuich? Have you heard of the sad accident that happened on the Tay Bridge on Sunday night?
Cha chuala mi facal dheth. I have not heard a word of it.
'Nuair a bha 'ghaillionn aig a h-àirde thuit an drochaid. When the storm was at its height the bridge fell.
Is cinnteach mi g'um bi cunntas cianail againn mu challtach air fairge. I am certain that we shall have sad accounts of losses at sea.
Cha bheag na thachair dheth sin air a' gheamhradh so cheana. The losses of that kind that have occurred this winter already are not inconsiderable.
Chuala mi gu'n d'thugadh lomsgrìob air coille 'n Dùin. I have heard that a clean sweep has been made of the Dun Wood.
Tha iad a' deanamh dheth gu'n do chuireadh gu làr mu mhìle craobh. It is estimated that about a thousand trees have been brought to the ground.
An d'rinneadh mòran dolaidh am baile nam bùithean? Has much damage been done in the town of shops?
Chaidh uinneagan a bhriseadh an sud 's an so, mullaichean luidheirean a leagail, is corra bhàta 'chur fodha. Windows were broken here and there, chimney tops were knocked down, and a few boats were sunk.
An è sin uil' è? Is that all?
Bha'n t-sràid a tha ri taobh a' chladaich air a cladhach, is bha'm balla 'bha 'cumail taice rithe air an taobh a mach air a bhriseadh. The street along the shore was dug up, and the wall that supported it on the outside was broken.
Snith! O 'n thòisich an t-uisge cha deachaidh stad air a là no 'dh' oidhche. Rain-drops! Since the rain began they have not ceased either by day or by night.
Bithidh am farum a ni è air feadh an tighe 'n a cheòl sunndach do d' chluasan. The noise they make through the house will be a cheerful music to your ears.
Tha iomadh seòrsa ciùil ann a bu shunndaiche leam. There are many kinds of music that I would deem more cheerful.
Ciamar a chaidh dhuibn-fhèin. How did it fare with yourselves?
Cha'n fhaod sinn a bhi gearan. We must not complain.
Chuala mi gu'n do leagadh aon de na tighean agaibh. I heard that one of your houses was knocked down.
Cha do leagadh; ach chaidh an tubhadh a thoirt bhàrr mullach an t-sabhail. It is not so; but the thatch was taken off the roof of the barn.
Nach iongantach gu'n do thèaruinn an tigh-còmhnuidh! How wonderful that the dwelling-house escaped!
Bha de thuramanaich air tacan 's gu'n do shaoil mi gu'm biodh è nuas mu 'r cinn. It rocked so much that I thought it would fall about our heads.
Ciamar a dh' fhairich thu aig an àm dheuchainneach sin? How did you feel at that trying time?
Cha'n urrainn domh na dh'fhairich mi 'chur an cainnt a 's freagarraiche na th'anns na rannan so:-- I cannot express what I felt in more appropriate language than that of the following verses:--
"Dh'éirich an fhairge 's shéid a' ghaoth,
Is b'aobhar oillt an fhuaim
Do na h-uile aon 's an eadhar fhaoin
Air faontradh feadh a' chuain.
Ach mac an sgiobair, balachan maoth,
Chual e gun gheilt an toirm:
Fiamh aiteis àird gu'n robh 'n a ghnùis,
Gun smuairean air roimh 'n stoirm.
Dh' fheòraich a h-aon de 'n sgioba dheth
Cionnas 'bha è cho ciùin.
'Cha 'n 'eil eagal dhòmh-sa,' fhreagair è:
'Tha m'athair air an stiùir.'"
"The sea rose and the wind blew,
And terrible was the sound
To all on board the frail bark
That was adrift on the ocean.
But the skipper's son, a tender boy,
Heard without fear the roar:
There was an expression of lofty joy in his countenance,
And he heeded not the storm.
One of the crew enquired of him
How we was so calm.
'There is no fear of me,' he replied:
'My father is at the helm.'"
Tha na rannan drùidhteach sin air tiom' a thoirt air mo chridhe: 's èigin domh feasgar math fhàgail agaibh agus dol dachaidh. These impressive verses have melted my heart: I must bid you good evening and go home.
Cha ghluais sibh 'ur cuid de thràth an fheasgair. You shall not move a step till you get your share of the evening meal.
Tha fiughair aca rium aig an tigh. They expect me at home.
Ma tha biodh: thoir dhomh do bhoineid. If they do let them: give me your bonnet.
Ma tha Màiri is thusa air an aon sgeul cha 'n 'eil math dhòmhsa cur 'n 'ur n-aghaidh. If Mary and you are of one mind there is no use in my opposing you.

Còmhraidhean an Gàidhlig 's am Beurla
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