If one was so inclined, and I'm guessing someone must be, one might form a
calculator porn distribution ring. "How?" you say. Simple:
Purchase a Ti-89
download image conversion and viewing software from www.Ticalc.org
get porn
You'll need a good list of customers who are only mildly educated about the functions of their calculators, but that isn't a problem. Just find a calculus class at a rich school and voilá you have clientel. With a transfer cable you can send your customers all the cheap low-quality porn they want or can afford. Short video clips would be possible too by capturing stills from videos and converting them and playing them as an animation. I'm not sure if it would be possible to fix it in some way so it wasn't redistributable, but if you thought about it long enough you could probably figure out a way. If anyone knows alot about how Ti-89's do memory handling then they could probably figure out how to move the images into the system's static memory. That might work...but why am i thinking about this? I have access to literally gigabytes of porn on the internet. I think I'll stick with that.