California State University at
Northridge, also known as
CSUN. Part of the
Cal State system of schools. 4 year school, most notable for its
deaf studies department, as well as its
business school, and for being badly damaged in the 1993
earthquake that struck Northridge. Also a perennial power in Division 1
volleyball, among other sports.
The campus library, known as the Oviatt Library, was severly damaged in the 1993 earthquake, however it is a very impressive looking structure with large exterior support columns. In fact, the Oviatt Library was subtley featured in the Battlestar Galactica episode The Living Legend which featured Lloyd Bridges as Commander Cain. When the Colonial Warriors parachute out of their shuttle craft down to the surface, they are actually parachuting in front of the Oviatt.
The library is also notable for being the first library in the US to feature an automated storage and retrieval system for books. Approximately 1/3 of the library's collection (the most infrequently requested volumes) is stored in bins. These bins are kept in a climate controlled room (optimized to reduce the deterioration of the books) in four rows of four story high shelve systems. Between these rows are large steel beams that can move back and forth, and on each beam a robotic arm is mounted and can traverse up and down the beam in order to retrieve and replace the bins. Requests are queued through the library's online catalog. When a student looks up a book that is stored in the system, they can request that it be retrieved and can receive the book at the circulation desk shortly thereafter.