The caribou (Rangifer tarandus), a member of the deer family of large mammals, is an exceedingly important souce of food, clothing, and shelter to the native Inuit people of northern Canada and Alaska.

The caribou provide food in the form of meat, clothing in the form of furs, and shelter in the form of bones.

The habitat of the caribou stretches from the USA-Canadian border, from sea to sea, and extends over 4000 Km north to Ellesmere Island. The southernmost region supports the Woodland Caribou, north-western Alaska supports the Grant's Caribou, the Barren-Ground Caribou live their lives in central Alaska and Canada, and the Perry Caribou make the northernmost zones their home.

The caribou's SparkMatch type is cloven-hoofed cud-chewer. They have stocky torsoes protected from the chill by long dense coats. Caribou are excellent swimmers, using their broad hooves as paddles. Interestingly, they have scent glands in their hooves.

The natural predator of the caribou is the wolf, although their most successful predator is the human.

research source: The Canadian Wildlife Service

Not a copy-and-paste writeup

A twin-engined transport aircraft manufactured by DeHavilland. Also produced in a passenger/light cargo variant known as the 'Otter'.

Used for troop support during the Vietnam War and in many other areas worldwide. Effective due to its STOL (Short Take-Off and Landing) ability and unusually strong landing gear, which was retractable in the Caribou, and fixed for the Otter variant.

Most examples are retired but four serve as cargo planes in Alaska, including aircraft N124DG which had a vital role during the expedition by the 'Air Pirates' to recover the lost 'Kee Bird' B-29 bomber.

Source: "US Army Otter-Caribou Association" <>

Car"i*bou (?), n. [Canadian French.] Zool.

The American reindeer, especially the common or woodland species (Rangifer Caribou).

Barren Ground caribou. See under Barren. -- Woodland caribou, the common reindeer (Rangifer Caribou) of the northern forests of America.


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