The titles and forms of address found here should only be used in the most formal of situations. Often a priest will laugh and tell you to call him by his first name (or maybe Father), but you don’t want to insult a man of God (unintentionally at least).

Address on Envelope – ‘His Grace the Archbishop of _______’
Begin Letter – ‘My Lord Archbishop’
Close Letter – ‘I remain, Your Grace, Yours faithfully’ or simply ‘Yours faithfully
Spoken Address – ‘Your Grace’ (use capitals when you speak to them, they can tell when you don’t)

Address on Envelope – ‘His Lordship the Bishop of _______’ or ‘The Right Reverend Such-and-Such of _______’
In Ireland use ‘The Most Reverend’ instead of ‘The Right Reverend
If an auxiliary use ‘The Right Reverend So-and-So, Auxiliary Bishop of _______’
Begin Letter – ‘My Lord’ or (in formal situations) ‘My Lord Bishop’
Close Letter – ‘I remain, My Lord, yours faithfully’ or ‘Yours faithfully’
Spoken Address – ‘My Lord’ or ‘My Lord Bishop’

Address on Envelope – ‘The Very Reverend Canon So-and-So’
Begin – ‘Very Reverend Sir
Spoken Address – ‘Canon Whats-His-Face'

Address on Envelope – ‘His Eminence Cardinal of _______’
If an Archbishop `His Eminence The Archbishop of _______'
Begin – ‘Your Eminence’
Close – ‘I remain, Your Eminence (or ‘My Lord Cardinal’), Yours faithfully’
Spoken Address – ‘Your Eminence’

Address on Envelope – ‘The Reverend Such-and-Such’ (if he’s a member of a religious order include its initials after the name)
Begin – ‘Dear Reverend Father
Spoken Address -- 'Father Whats-His-Face'

Address on Envelope – ‘His Holiness, The Pope’
Begin – ‘Your Holiness’ or ‘Most Holy Father
Close – (if you’re RC*) ‘I have the honour to be Your Holiness’s most devoted and obedient child’ (or ‘most humble child’)
Spoken Address -- 'Your Holiness'

*and if you’re not Catholic, then you pretend you are.

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