Champagne glasses are designed specifically to the needs of champagne (of course), which are to keep the carbonation in as long as possible; and to keep the champagne cooler by limiting the amount of heat is transferred by the hand of the drinker. The carbonation is kept in by the fact that champagne flutes are tapered at the end, the lowered amount of surface area in turn lowers the amount of gas that can escape. The heat from the hand is limited by the fact that champagne flutes have a long stem used as a handle. These two factors together give modern flutes their unique shape.

This leaves to question the origin of the flute itself. There is a myth that declares that the flute was based on a goblet made from a wax cast that Paris took of Helen of Troy’s “gorgeous breast”, this story was written by Maurice des Ombiaux. Just like the Helen and Paris story, there are versions of the story that include Madame de Pompadour and Louis XV, or Diane de Poiters and Henry II. In any case, the inconsistency of shape in my mind was cleared up by jmpz who stated that the old fashioned style champagne flute was "a shallow wineglass with a very wide mouth". This is much closer to the "breast-shape" stated than the modern long and narrow shape.

Peach Champagne Drink

  • 1 medium ripe, peeled and pureed peach
  • 4 - 6 oz Champagne

Pour peach puree into glass and slowly add champagne. Stir gently. Garnish with a peach slice.

10% (20 proof)
Serve in: Champagne Flute

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