Chinese animals make different noises from their English counterparts:

              English        Pinyin        Chinese
Birds         chirp-chirp    jījīzhāzhā    唧唧喳喳
Cats          meow           miāo          喵 
Cows          moo            mōu           哞
Crickets      chirp-chirp    qū qū         㘗㘗           
Crows         caw-caw        wā wā/yā yā   哇哇/啞啞
Ducks         quack-quack    gū gū         咕咕
Ducklings     cheep-cheep    xiū xiū       咻咻
Horses        neigh          sī            嘶
Horses        whinny         huīr huīr     咴兒咴兒
Kittens       meow           mī mī         咪咪
Mosquitoes    buzz           wēng wēng     嗡嗡
Sheep         baa            miē           咩
Wolves        howl           háo           嚎/嗥
Humans too make some unfamiliar sounds:
English                                 Pinyin        Chinese
cough                                   k&eacutte;             咳

glug glug (drinking)                    gūdūgūdū       咕嘟咕嘟
puff of air                             pū             噗
heavy breathing                         xiū xiū        咻咻
sound of tears streaming down the face  pūlùlù         噗嚕嚕       
Some sounds you may hear in a Chinese kitchen:
Food being put into hot oil             chuālā         歘拉 
Sound of water or soup bubbling         gūdū           咕嘟 

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