Cretheus - Tyro (see Table 21)
         |                     |                                       |
Amythaon - Idomene I         Aeson                                   Pheres
                                                                   Idomene II (-Bias)

       |                     |                                       |
Acolia - Calydon     Pero - Bias - Idomene II                    Melampus - Iphianira I
 (see Table 24)                    (or Lysippe)                             (or Iphianassa)

              ______________________                                  __________________________________
              |         |          |                                  |           |                    |
            Areius   Leodocus   Talaus - Lysimache                  Mantius   Antiphates - Zeuxippe   Abas
                                       | (see Abas                    |                  |             |
                                       |  or Lysianassa opp.)         |                  |     ________|____________
                                       |                              |                  |     |         |         |
                                       |                           Clitus                |  Coeranus   Idmon   Lysimache
                                       |                                                 |
   ____________________________________|__________________________________              _|________________________
   |              |            |                    |           |        |              |                        |
Mecisteus   Parthenopacus      |              Aristomachus   Pronax   Eriphyle       Amphalces   Hypermestra - Oecles
   |       (see Table 26)      |                    |           |   (see Amphiaraus)                  |
   |                           |                    |           |                                     |
 Euryale                       |              Hippomedon   Amphithea                                  |
                               |                         (see Adrastus)    ___________________________|
                               |                                           |             |          |
                            Adrastus - Amphithea                      Iphianira II   Polyboea   Amphiaraus - Eriphyle
                                     |                                                                     |
                                     |                         ____________________________________________|___
                                     |                         |                       |           |          |
                                     |                     Alcmaeon - Callirhoe   Amphilochus   Eurydice   Demonassa
                                     |                              |                                     (see Table 37)
                                     |                ______________|_____________
                                     |                |                          |
                                     |             Amphoterus                  Acarnan
  |                     |                       |                 |                      |           |
Argia - Polynices   Hippodamia - Pirithous   Deipyle - Tydeus   Aegiale - Diomedes   Aegialeus   Cyanippus
      |                        |                     |
 Thersandrus               Polypoetes             Diomedes
 (see Table 37)                                   (see Table 27)

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