I've lived in Colorado almost all my life, and most of that time was spent living less than an hour from Colorado Springs. Of all the larger "hubs of civilization" in Colorado, Colorado Springs has always been my favorite (or right up there) -- Denver's too big for me and too angry, Pueblo's too tired and broken down, Boulder's too trendy and Californian... I like Fort Collins and Durango, both college towns, but Fort Collins is definitely a haven for rich folks and is a little TOO beautiful at times (if you know what I mean), while Durango is great except for just being too far away from everywhere else. Colorado Springs, however, is really quite a nice place; nestled in the mountains under the Olympian splendor of Pikes Peak, generally a green and beautiful town, with diverse and interesting people (however insular and clannish they may be).
The point I'm striving circituously to make here is this: HongPong (and others) have been right in commenting on the noticeable conservative, fundamentalist, extremist factions that exist here in Colorado Springs -- Focus on the Family, military presence, the fact that there's roughly one church every two blocks in some areas -- but there are also other minorities that are far less vocal. There is a thriving but quiet gay / lesbian community here, there is a surprisingly large underground of new agers and neo-pagans, and there are a good number of decent musicians here in town who are struggling to create a better music scene. Sure, there's some very Puritanical and fundamentalist elements, and people lose jobs every once in awhile for flimsy reasons when their bosses are born-agains. And sure, the suburban sprawl is getting out of hand in places, which makes sense for a city that's growing so fast. But there's a lot more going on than initially meets the eye... the Dobsonites and Prayer-Walkers are just the more vocal and outspoken element. Everyone else seems to just be quietly performing their full-moon esbats, shopping for groceries with their same-sex lovers, or putting together some truly wacky genius music with their devoted bandmates. Hanging out at Poor Richard's bookstore and cafe. Or dancing their brains out at the Hide And Seek. Or buying crystals and incense and whatnot at the Celebration New Age Bookstore. Or enjoying the strange splendor of the red rock formations in the Garden Of The Gods. And much more, I'm sure.
Just thought that should be said...