This node is meant to give tips and hints to people who go to conventions (con goers). Feel free to /msg me or add your own tips.

  • Always pack clothes for every day of the convention, plus one extra. That way you always have backup duds.

  • If more than three or four people are going to be in the room, bring your own shampoo. Soap lasts for a while, but shampoo goes quickly.


  • Bring your clothing bag, and a good sturdy backpack. That way you can put flyers and things you buy in the backpack so you won't have to eight thousand bags around.

  • Walking will be plentiful, so bring comfy shoes.

  • Towels. Bring one of your own, and hang it on the balcony (or in the shower or whatever) to dry. Then use again. Otherwise you're going to have to fight your roommates for one.

  • Unless you don't particularly care about sleeping gear, you should try to bring a pillow and a blanket or sleeping bag.

  • Shorts also make a great sleeping gear at a con. That way, no one has to see your wang.

  • If you plan early, you can get a room in the main hotel. Remember to mention the convention specifically, so you'll get the discount.

  • Bringing extra people is not only allowed, it's almost required. Nothing helps a room cost shoot down quicker than 6 or 7 people sharing the cost. When you reserve the room, say you'll have four people and need two beds. Four people sleep on the beds and the others sleep in the floor, and everything's fine.

  • It's also a longstanding rule that whoever drives the car(s) to the convention gets a bed. Enforce this.

  • If you've got lots of people in the room, don't call room service or let the maid in. 18 different travel bags full of clothes is a sure fire give away.

  • If you're interested in saving money in food, just bring some snacky foods like peanut butter and bread, chips, and like some Star Crunches or Pop Tarts or whatever. Food that needs very little preparation. Buy drinks before hand (and get the generic), or suffer the $1 or so hotel cost for a canned beverage.

  • Speaking of food, if you play it just right you can eat for free at conventions. Just stake out the Con Suite for beverages, and learn when they bring out the hot dogs or ice cream. Extra points if you enter in the Spam eating contest or something similar.

  • And if you're really cheap, you can attempt to go to the con without a room. Either sleep in the car, or grab some z's in movie rooms (those four hour anime music video shows come in damn handy). Just don't snore, and try to find a place to hose yourself off if you can.

  • Remember: The dealer's room is awsome the first year, but it lacks a lot of interest after the first or second time. And 90% of the tapes you can buy there are bootlegs, so don't act so shocked when you get it home. And if you don't see something, ask. Usually they'll try to hook ya up.

  • Try to get registered as soon as possible. Most time the night before the con you can go and get your badge and schedule and stuff. Makes it easier than in the morning...with ten thousand people.....

  • Bring a highlighter and/or pen and paper so that you can make our a schedule for the con. Event planning is important, so you know when you can just go sit or take a nap or something.

  • Con goers are friendly people. If you want a photo, just ask. Want to compliment them on their costume? Go for it. And it's pretty easy to strike up a conversation with someone, and it's neat to have friends that you meet at the con.

  • People generally don't remember you. Especially famous people and dealers. Try to avoid embarrassing yourself.

  • I've never hit on a chick at a con, but if you feel the need try your hardest to be smooth. Not a pickup line perse, just try to be cool and suave. But this can only happen if you're over 21, as then you can buy drinks.

  • Clap when necessary. This goes for cheering, jumping around, chanting, or whatever.

  • Just remember, there's no reason to be a dick. We're all nice people here.

  • Check prices. If you're buying multiple items, haggle. They will wheel and deal with you if you pull it off right.

  • Bring a camera or a camcorder everywhere and record everything. It'll make a cool tape, especially if you edit it right.

  • Most big events are tape recorded, and you can usually buy a copy (to be mailed later) immediately after the show.

  • The Con Suite is your friend. Cherish it. Respect it. Love it.

  • If you're going to get something autographed and you're bringing it from home, limit yourself to just a few items, and make sure they are the most important items. No need to bring in eight thousand comics for the artist to sign.

  • More added when they're thought up. ;)

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