The following are letters written by and to
James Joyce while he was working on
Dubliners. Most concern the issue of
censorship, which kept the book from being published for eight years.
All letters (tediously) transcribed by Uberfetus. Unless noted, they are written by Joyce himself.
In chronological order:
- A Letter to William Heinemann (London publisher), September 23, 1905
- From a Letter to Stanislaus Joyce, September 1905
- From a Letter from Stanislaus Joyce to James Joyce, October 10, 1905
- From a Letter to Grant Richards, October 15, 1905
- A Letter to Grant Richards, February 20, 1906
- A Letter from Grant Richards to James Joyce, April 23, 1906
- A Letter to Grant Richards, April 26, 1906
- A Letter from Grant Richards to James Joyce, May 1, 1906
- A Letter to Grant Richards, May 5, 1906
- From a Letter from Grant Richards to James Joyce, May 10, 1906
- A Letter to Grant Richards, May 13, 1906
- A Letter from Grant Richards to James Joyce, May 16, 1906
- A Letter to Grant Richards, May 20, 1906
- A Letter from Grant Richards to James Joyce, June 7, 1906
- A Letter to Grant Richards, June 10, 1906
- A Letter from Grant Richards to James Joyce, June 14, 1906
- A Letter to Grant Richards, June 16, 1906
For those interested, here's the
copyright, which I have most likely
Joyce's letters from Letters of James Joyce, Volume I, edited by Stuart Gilbert. Copyright © 1957, 1966 by The Viking Press, Inc. From Letters of James Joyce, Volumes II and III, edited by Richard Ellmann. Copyright © 1966 by F. Lionel Monro, as Administrator of the Estate of James Joyce.
Richards' letters in possession of Martin Secker and Cornell University Library.