Frank Abbott Trice in Portsmouth, Virginia shared this delicious cranberry ice recipe with me 9 years ago, and I have made it at least twice a year since then. He got the recipe from his great-grandmother, Elizabeth Caldwell Watson of Jacksonport, Arkansas. Elizabeth was born in 1839. He told me he has seen a copy of the recipe written in her hand and dated 1875. He had no idea how she was able to freeze it. They probably had an ice cream freezer and brought in ice from St. Louis. It certainly would not have been cold enough by Christmas in Arkansas to have a supply of ice. Today, we just stick it in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator. Frank's grandmother who was born in 1880 said she could remember always having it at Christmas. This ice is used between courses to clear the palate. The leftovers can be used as a base for frozen daiquirís, frozen margaritas and all sorts of other "hooch" beverages.

1 quart cranberries
1 quart water
2 cup sugar
1/2 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice

  • Cook cranberries until done - about 10 min. Reserve water.
  • Press cranberries through a sieve and discard skin.
  • Add enough water to make 1 quart.
  • Dissolve the sugar in the reserved water.
  • Add lemon juice.
  • Stir in cranberry pulp.
  • Freeze.
  • Serve topped with a dollop of whipped cream.

    The second year I made this recipe for Thanksgiving, because I started it late, I poured it into 4 separate 1 gallon size zip lock bags and then put them on top of the ice in the icemaker in the freezer. It was frozen in no time. To transport it, keep it on dry ice.

    Conversion Table for Cooking Around the World

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