The Swiss-Army Knife to end all knives VICT53919
The cybertool is supposed to be allow you to disassemble a laptop computer without any other tools, and mostly lives up to it's advertising.
It includes
A screwdriver that locks into position, with exchangeable tips
  • 5mm Hex Socket
  • 4mm Hex Socket
  • #8 Torx Bit
  • #10 Torx Bit
  • #15 Torx Bit
  • 4mm Hex Bit
  • 4mm Flat Head
  • #0 Pozidrive Bit
  • #1 Pozidrive Bit
A tiny jewlery screwdriver (in the corkscrew)
Small pliers
Two knives
A can opener with a flat-head screwdriver
A bottle opener with another flat-head screwdriver
The aforementioned corkscrew
A plastic toothpick
A pen
A reamer that can be used for leatherworking (it has a needle-eye)
One straight pin
Wire Stripper Reamer Sewing Eye And the weird hook tool nobody can figure out a use for

It weighs 5.5 oz, is made of stainless steel and plastic,

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