A song from the Jewish tradition, usually sung at the Passover seder.

It's a little like singing the Hebrew-language equivalent of "Ninety-nine Bottles of Beer on the Wall."

ilo hotzi hotzi anu, hotzi anu mi mitzrayim, hotzi anu mi mitzrayim dayenu

day day enu, day day enu, day day enu, dayenu dayenu!

Dayenu. Literally in Hebrew, "enough." Pronounced somewhat like, "die-ain-oo."
In Yiddish, "Genug."

Enter Harold and Georgie Finklestein:

G: When are you going to get your suit cleaned? It looks all farmutshet...
H: Oy! Can you leave me alone! I have had enough of your K'vetshing!
G: But your suit, it makes you smell like a Shunk! H: Dayenu!
I think I have had enough of this node: Dayenu!

As part of the Passover seder, Dayenu is a section in which those at the table remember a list of blessings from G-d.

After each blessing is remembered, the group says "Dayenu", which means "[it would have been] enough". The cumulative effect is a feeling of gratitude for all these blessings, many of which we could have survived without, but which are nevertheless appreciated greatly.

One typical version from jewish.com goes like this:

Had God brought us out of Egypt and not divided the sea for us,

Had God divided the sea and not permitted us to cross on dry land,

Had God kept us for forty years in the desert and not fed us with manna,

Had God fed us with manna and not given us the Sabbath,

Had God given us the Sabbath and not led us to Mount Sinai,

Had God led us to Mount Sinai and not given us the Torah,

Had God given us the Torah and not led us into the Land of Israel,

Had God led us into the Land of Israel and not built for us the Temple,

Had God built for us the Temple and not sent us prophets of truth,

Had God sent us prophets of truth and not made us a holy people,

We left the sun behind us, driving on into the adventure that we couldn't even fathom. The show only an hour away seemed to be meaningless, we concentrated our focus on the journey, enjoying the music and each other's company.

We were right to feel this way.

The sign on the door marked that our show was sold out. We begged and brainstormed a way in, but nothing could be worked out. We considered beating people up for tickets, but that was pointless since there were many "hardcore" guys and even girls, and we never would have won a fight with any of them, being just a few geek girls in a bigger city than we were used to.

Don't get me wrong, we could have taken them. But it would not have been pretty.

We walked around Oakland for a while. Into a convenience store, outside the door of the locked magic shop, and once again into our favorite tattoo parlor, where I actually considered getting a second tattoo.

But the evening was young, and I didn't want to waste it with a needle in my skin.

We drove all of Pittsburgh, in circles through construction and poorly marked bridges. We laughed and sang and knew no other joy but that of being with the only people who will always matter in our lives, no matter what happens with boys, school, or careers.

Nothing else in life seemed to matter, and for a few moments, I didn't feel the absence of my boyfriend, thousands of miles away. Nor did my friends feel that their lack of significant others made any difference. We were together, laughing, singing, being us as we truly are, and it was enough.

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