Currently accepted species dispersal of the finches of the Galapagos Islands:
					Ancestral seed-eating
					    ground finch
                                        /        |        \
                                       /         |         \
                                      /          |          \
                           Tree Finches    Ground Finches   Warbler-Like 
               (Genus Camarhynchus) /      (Genus Geospiza)   \   
                                   /              |            \
                                  /               |             \
                                 /                |              \
                                /                 |               \------Certhidea Olivacea
          Vegetarian-----------/                  | 		   \
	   /	              /			  |	            \-----Pinaroloxias Inornata	
          /                  /                    |
         /		    /                     |---G. Difficilis
C. Crassirostris           / 	        	  |
	            Insectivorous	         /|
          	     /	        	        / |
		    /---C. parvulus            /  |
                   /                          /  Cactus Feeding
		  /        	             / 	    \
                 /----C. pauper             /        \
                /                          /          \----G. Scandens
               /                          /            \
 	      /             	         /\		\
   	     /-----C. psittacula        /  \		 \---G. Conirostris
            /                          /    \--G. fortis 
           /                          /\    
          /                          /  \    
         /                          /    \ 
        /-----C. heliobates        /\     \--G. fuliginosa
       /                             \
      /                               \
     /                                 \
    /-----Woodpecker-Like               \--G. magnirostris
                  \----C. pallidus

ASCII-Converted from Strickberger's Evolution.

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