David also has the distinction of being the man to graduate The University of Cambridge's English department with the highest mark in history. No mean feat. David has a double honours degree at first class level in both English Literature and Politics.

One of the most famous Jews in the entertainment industry (he once complained that he had been beaten up twice in his life: once for being Jewish, and once for being a Pakistani), David mixes traditional Jewish humour (satirising his parents, speaking Yiddish) with an almost uncomfortable position as one of the leading lights of New Laddism. Just Dave's luck that he crossed over at the exact time when his monologues on masturbation, pornography and football suddenly went from a welcome break in the right-on, politicised world of post-alternative comedy to the forefront of the mid-Nineties explosion in inverted snobbery.

Post his success alongside Frank Skinner on Fantasy Football League, Dave grew a beard, wrote a few excellent books and attempted to distance himself from the monster that he helped to create. The daily struggle between enlightened intellectual heavyweight and dirty perv must be hell for him...but then again at least he has the money to find a willing woman who will quote Baudelaire as she is being ass-reamed...

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