White 1st magnitude star in the constellation Cygnus, the Swan. It can be seen every night and in fact (at latitude 40°) is only below the horizon for five hours of the day. It is located at a distance of almost 500 light-years from us and is supposed to be 10 000 times as luminous as our Sun.

Deneb can be located by following the line suggested by the two stars on the Big Dipper's bowl, near the handle.

Deneb is located in the constellation of the Swan (Cygnus) and is the brightest star in that group. It's name means "tail" in Arabic. It is part of the summer triangle, which is a distinct right triangle made by three stars during the summer nights; Vega, Altair, and Deneb. It is also part of the prominent asterism, the Northern Cross.

The star itself is the fourth brightest star in the summer sky but one of the most distant stars visible with the naked eye. Around A.D. 10, 000 Deneb will be the brightest star nearest the celestial north pole in place of Polaris, which is currently the North Star.

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