Diaryland (www.diaryland.com) is a free weblog service that offers users many interesting features, especially for those users not familiar with creating their own weblog.

    Free features include:
  • Several templates to choose from, or use of own template
  • Creation of a profile for other users to search for keywords, music taste, favorite author, etc.
  • Choice of a single-entry style or a web log style
  • Participation in in-site diary rings and user-created surveys
  • Creation of a "Buddy List" to see when favorite diaries updated
  • Email address (username@diaryland.com)
  • Easy to remember URL (username.diaryland.com)
    "SuperGold Member" (3 months $18, 6 months: $30, 1 year $54) Pay features include:
  • All features of Gold Member
  • An additional 7 megs of image hosting
  • Webmail system
  • Comments system
  • 30,000 bannerads with purchase of 1 year

All in all, a decent place to host a weblog. Those who are talented enough with web design may be frustrated here though, because of the lack of real customization.

Diaryland is a nice online diary site that requires no html knowledge to use, but allows lots of customization if you do know some html.

Being so easy to use, Diaryland has attracted many new users in the last year, too many for the site's servers to handle somethimes. To deal with this, whenever the amount of users attempting to add an entry nears a dangerous level, all of the non paying members get directed to a page with a FAQ on why they aren't able to update their diary right now. Meanwhile, the paying members happily update, oblivious to the problems of the cheapskate members like myself.

Fortunately, there is a way around this. A really simple way that doesn't even require any money. The next time you find yourself viewing a FAQ about why you're seeing a FAQ, rather than adding an entry, do this:

This is the address appearing right now in your address bar:
Delete it, and replace it with this:

There, you're all set. It's as simple as that. Press enter and you'll be blogging in notime.

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